It’s been a long time…

.. been a long time, Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time. Rock & Roll, Led Zeppelin Vacations seem to unsettle me. Now, dont get me wrong I love them like everyone else. The problem is that well before they start and for a long while after I cant get started on painting. Continue reading “It’s been a long time…”

Nothing comes from nothing…

Nothing ever could…. or so I firmly believed. Actually, that is a bit of an exaggeration. I felt that I needed to learn a lot more before I could just sit in front of a blank canvas and start to paint. I was given two challenges by my friend Sangeeta during my recent visit. OneContinue reading “Nothing comes from nothing…”

Fake Dane’s Portrait

Read about Fake Dane’s request to Jana to make his portrait on the Every Day Matters Yahoo Group and off I went to Jana’s to check it out. She’d mentioned that there was an invite to join in. It looked tough and I thought that I’d give it a miss. But the thing about digestsContinue reading “Fake Dane’s Portrait”

Digitally Done

Project Andrew Wyeth continues….  I just cannot seem to resist drawing Andew Wyeth from his photographs.  He has so many interesting lines on his face most of which i could not capture and so this is going to stay WIP until I learn a bit more on tackling lines and wrinkles.   The first one wasContinue reading “Digitally Done”

Upside down

I did my first upside down drawing following instructions in Betty Edwards book Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. It was a line drawing by Picasso named Portrait of Igor Stravinsky. I liked what it looked like and that encouraged me to proceed with the other exercises and my drawing and confidence improved.Continue reading “Upside down”

My first swap

A project that I am participating in involves exchanging paintings of portraits. Read more in A Portrait Swap. Here’s a crop of the beautiful painting of me that’ll be here soon. And below is the one I’ll be mailing out in a weeks time.  Finished it a short while back and now waiting for itContinue reading “My first swap”

Black Box Invention – It eats money

After hearing what my husband had to say and few other comments that I received, I realised that I had not expressed my thoughts adequately in the painting above. Not that I am any better with words but I would like to give it a try. Background: Eleven years of work experience followed by sixContinue reading “Black Box Invention – It eats money”

A bird

There are just one or two small and very rough sketches of crows in my collection. I seem to have stayed far away from drawing birds and animals with the exception of cows. This one is not from life. It was from a reference found in an article on beating bird flu! There were 4Continue reading “A bird”

Toothy Smile

One more for the November Challenges thread at the Painters Alley, WetCanvas. This is one of the subforums under Digital Art and is for images painted using the techniques of a traditional painter without filters, effects, cloning, paint overs, or plugins. Images using those methods are posted in the regular digital art forum. Made withContinue reading “Toothy Smile”

Man with a cap

I’m having a problem with the portrait that I’m painting for a Portrait Swap. Went to WetCanvas! to look around and found the November Challenges thread in Painters Alley (digital forum). Here’s my attempt at drawing one of the references provided – the Man with a Cap. There is a problem with likeness and IContinue reading “Man with a cap”